User Manual

Main Monitors
S6X & S7A Mk2
The main monitors S6X and S7A Mk2 are designed for large control
rooms and film studios. They present a completely new, impressive
concept: to transport the unique realism of the ADAM monitors
at a very high SPL level. In accordance with ADAM’s main goal
to achieve the best possible authenticity in music reproduction,
any overemphasis of the bass frequencies should be avoided.
Furthermore, it is essential for neutral sound characteristics at
high volumes to achieve a wide dispersion in the horizontal plane
and a somewhat narrower dispersion in the vertical plane, thus
reducing reflections from the ceiling, the floor or a mixing console.
Less reflection means superior imaging and better localization,
facilitating the best possible transportability of mixes across the
widest range of playback systems.
Advanced D‘Appolito-array
The arrangement of the seven discrete drivers facilitates a gradual
transition of the chassis dimensions. One of the most important
aspects of these monitor’s new approach is the vertical symmetry
of the drivers, which could be referred to as advanced D´Appolito
array. If the drivers are filtered properly there are besides the
dispersion characteristics mentioned previously two more
advantageous results:
• There is an absence of any sudden change in directivity with
frequency, leading to harmonic dispersion behavior throughout
the audio band. The absence of sudden changes in directivity
is not visible in a frequency plot, but clearly audible - especially
with a full range of materials, from single complex sources such
as the human voice to the wide sonic palette of large orchestras.
• The dynamic capabilities of the monitor are distributed over
the audio band more equally, and louder recording or mixdown
sessions with SPL´s of 120dB are handled without offending the
Impulse Coupling
In order to get a precise and undistorted reproduction, all drive
units are mounted on an ultra stiff Aluminum honeycomb plate (see
next page).
Both the S6X and the S7A Mk2 ADAM use the new generation of
switching amps and power supplies as described on page 38 of
this catalog.
These are combined in an extremely powerful (1000 and 1500W
rms respectively) yet cool amplifier assembly. Together with the
built in overload protection circuits these amplifiers will run reliably
and at constant safe operating temperatures not possible with
conventional designs.
The amplifiers are of extremely low output impedance, leading to a
damping factor >4.000, enabling them to strictly control the motion
of the drive units.