User's Manual

Assuming your room has been acoustically treated to a reasonable degree to remove
the worst effects of unwanted reflections and room modes, much of loudspeaker placement
is common sense, but there are a few basic points that should be followed:
Ensure that all your speakers are level with one another in the vertical plane [except
subwoofers, for which placement is much less critical], and that the tweeters are
roughly level with your ears. If a speaker needs to be placed higher or lower due to
spatial constraints, it should be angled accordingly, but tilts of 15 degrees or more
should be avoided [see diagram]. Angles that result in reflections from your mixing
console or other significant studio furniture should also be avoided.
Make sure that that nothing partially or totally obscures your monitors. You should
have a clear line of sight to them; this will also guarantee that nothing comes between
them and your ears.
Place each of your monitors at least 400 mm [16 inches] from the nearest wall to
minimize back reflections, which can adversely affect your chances of accurately
low-frequency information. If at all possible, avoid placing loudspeakers
near room corners for the same reason: with two reflective surfaces in close proximity,
the chances of unwanted reflections affecting your low-frequency audio are even greater.