User's Manual

Once your S Series speakers are correctly positioned, you may wish to slightly adjust
their frequency response to suit your personal audio preferences and specific monitoring
environment. All professional studios undertake this process, often known as tuning
or voicing, when they install new reference monitors; the acoustics of every room are
slightly different, and even in well-constructed, acoustically treated rooms that have
been custom-designed to exclude unwanted resonances, users will all have slightly
fering ideas about how their speakers should optimally sound.
NOTE: Adjustments to voicing with the built-in S Series EQs should be carried out with
caution, as the overall sound of your monitors in your room may be significantly affected
We recommend making small incremental adjustments and auditioning as you go with
a variety of your favorite audio reference material.
The advanced DSP engine in the S Series offers a comprehensive array of voicing
options. Via the rotary encoder and OLED display on the rear panel of the monitors,
control is offered over overall output level, and a pair of shelving filters may be applied
to the output [one for the low end, the other for the highs]. Six further fully parametric
EQs with variable Q, center frequency and gain may also be dialed up via the display
and encoder interface to boost or cut level at specific frequencies.
Five memories are also provided to store voicing/EQ presets. On most S Series models,
two of these are non-editable factory settings. The remaining three are available to
store users‘ own personal voicing presets. On the S3H, the situation is slightly different:
the non-editable ADAM Audio factory settings occupy the first three presets, and the
final two
are available for user presets. The third memory, ‘Classic’, emulates the on-axis
frequency response of what is possibly ADAM Audio‘s best-known monitor, the highly
garded S3A.
Of course, if you‘d rather not make any voicing adjustments at all, you have the option
of leaving the EQs set ‘flat’ by selecting the so-called ‘Pure’ preset – that is, to neither
boost nor cut.