User's Manual

BASS-REFLEX PORT – The bass-reflex port works together with the monitor’s woofer
to produce flat and extended bass response.
[2] HF SWITCH – Use this switch to boost or cut the monitor’s high-frequency response
by 2 dB. The “0” setting maintains flat response.
[3] LF SWITCH – Use this switch to boost or cut the monitor’s low-frequency response
by 2 dB. The “0” setting maintains flat response.
LEVEL KNOB – Turn this knob clockwise to increase the monitor’s volume, or
counterclockwise to decrease its volume. The “0 dB” setting will be optimal in
most situations.
BAL. IN CONNECTOR – Use this XLR connector to input balanced audio with nominal
+4 dBu level.
[6] UNBAL. IN CONNECTOR – Use this RCA connector to input unbalanced audio with
nominal -10 dBV level.
+4 dBu/-10 dBV SWITCH – Set this switch to the “+4 dBu” position when inputting
dio using the Bal. in [XLR] connector. Set the switch to the “-10 dBV” position
when inputting audio using the Unbal. in [RCA] connector.
[8] POWER SWITCH – Set this switch to the ON position to apply power to the monitor.
An associated green LED will light when the monitor is turned on.
[9] POWER CONNECTOR – Use this standard three-prong IEC AC power receptacle to
connect the detachable AC cord to the monitor.