User's Manual

Follow these basic guidelines for using the LF switch to change your T Series monitors
bass response:
If your room’s layout dictates you must place your T Series monitors closer than
16 inches away from a wall, try setting the LF switch to the “-2 dB” position to
pensate for such placement naturally boosting bass frequencies.
If you wish to listen to your T Series monitors with exaggerated bass response, set
the LF switch to the “+2 dB” position.
Follow these basic guidelines for using the HF switch to change your T Series monitors
high-frequency response:
If your room is heavily treated with absorptive acoustic materials such as foam or
fiberglass wall panels, you may notice that high frequencies are being acoustically
attenuated, resulting in a dull sound. In this case, try setting your T Series monitor’s
HF switch to its “+2 dB” position to restore high-frequency detail.
In an especially live, bright-sounding room, you may prefer setting the HF switch to
its “-2 dB” setting to compensate for the room’s acoustics.