User's Manual

The T Series monitors’ small footprints allow placement anywhere in your room, no
matter how small. However, you’ll get the very best sound out of your monitors by placing
them at optimal positions in your room. T Series monitors incorporate a nearfield design
and should be placed on speaker stands, a console bridge or a desktop in relatively
close proximity to [ideally about three feet from] your mix position. Such placement
ensures that the sound you hear coming directly from the monitors will be louder than
that which is indirectly arriving at your ears after reflecting off your room’s walls, floor
and ceiling. By placing the monitors close to your mix position [and following other
guidelines discussed next], your T Series monitors will provide an accurate reference of
your mix, untainted by reverberation, tonal colorations and phase cancellations caused
by your room.
Other considerations are equally important. If your control room is not symmetrical at
one end [such as in a space with an alcove off to one side], you’ll get the most balanced
frequency response from left and right monitors if you set them up at the other, symmetrical
end of the room [see Fig. 1].
Fig. 1