User`s guide

Appendix A: Completing a Silent Windows Installation 151
Completing a Silent Installation
You will need the Adaptec RAID Controller Installation DVD to complete this task.
To complete a silent installation:
1 Insert the DVD into your DVD drive.
2 Open a command prompt window and change to the DVD directory.
3 Run the silent installation from the command line using one of these files, as appropriate:
setup asm x64.exe or setup asm x86.exe. For example:
setup asm x86.exe /s /v" /qn <properties>"
where <properties> is one or more of the options listed in Available Properties and Values
on page 152.
Separate properties with spaces; separate feature names for the ADDLOCAL property with
commas (see examples on page 152).
Synchronous Installation—To install Adaptec Storage Manager so that the .exe file does
not close until the installation is complete, add the /w parameter to the .exe file and run the
application with the start /WAIT command as shown in this example:
start /WAIT setup asm x64.exe /w /s /v" /qn <OPTIONS>"
You might want to do this for a batch file installation so that the setup will not return until
the installation is finished.
After a minute or two, the silent installation should be complete and the Adaptec Storage
Manager icon should be accessible. Continue with Building Your Storage Space on page 26.