User's Manual Part 2

Status Bar
The status bar is located on the bottom of the System View screen. It displays the
current status of the system. It has three status windows. The function of each of
these windows is described in the following sections:
Communications Port Status
This window is used to display the current status of the communications port. If the
system is configured to be directly connected to a device it will display Direct
Connect. If the system is configured to use a modem it displays the current status
of the modem.
Operator Status:
This window is used to display the operator status. In an open system, it displays
Open System. In tracked and secured systems, it displays the name of the operator
that is currently logged on or Please Log On if no operator is logged on.
System View Menus
The System View menus are located on top of the screen. Descriptions of the menu
choices follow:
This selection displays a pull down menu with the following choices:
This selection displays a sub-menu that allows clearing the active Alarm and/or
Control Log and saving the current contents to an Archive file. The data from
the Alarm and/or Control Log are stored in the sub directory archive. These files
are Dbase III compatible. In a tracked or secured system, the user must have a
Level 3 security code.
This selection terminates the ARM program and returns to DOS.
This selection displays an Alarm History Screen that lists a full chronological
history of all events (alarms\clears) for the entire system.