User's Manual Part 4

4-16 LGCell Installation
RF Cable Connection
Before connecting any cables to the Main Hub, be sure the RF power
level does not exceed the input rating for the Main Hub.
LGCell System Specifications on page 16 in
Section 2, LGCell
For coverage applications, LGC Wireless recommends that you insert a lightning
arrestor or surge protector between a roof-mounted antenna and the Main Hub. If
you use a repeater, insert the lightning arrestor or surge protector between the
repeater and roof-mounted antenna.
The following illustration shows how to connect the LG
for coverage
applications, with a repeater.
For the Dual Band RAU, connect the
900 MHz Expansion Hub cable to the top
connector and the 1800 MHz cable to the
bottom connector.
4 Check LEDs
The green
LED should be on and
the red
LED should be off.
The green
indicates that the RAU is
receiving power from the Expansion Hub
assigned to it.