User Manual

ADCP-75-192 • Issue 1 • December 2005 • Section 4: BTS Integration
Page 4-1
2005, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Content Page
1 BTS VALIDATION ................................................................... 4-1
2 PATH BALANCING ................................................................... 4-1
2.1 Forward Path Balancing ......................................................... 4-2
2.2 Reverse Path Balancing ......................................................... 4-4
2.3 Functional RAN Call Verification.................................................... 4-5
Prior to connecting the base station to the Digivance CXD HUB, the host BTS should be tested
to assure the BTS is operating per the manufacturer’s specification.
This section defines the procedure for balancing the forward and reverse paths for a given
Tenant Sector.
Note: When adjusting power and attenuator levels in the Digivance CXD MIBs, values are
represented in 0.1 dB increments (e.g. –100 indicates –10.0 dBm).
2.1 Forward Path Balancing
There are two ways to interface the forward signals into the CXD Hub, via the BIM or to the
FBHDC directly. This section describes the balancing of each.
2.1.1 FBHDC Input
A direct input to the FBHDC is possible when the composite level of the input signals is -
4dBm or less and the forward signals are non-duplexed. A block diagram of the forward path
balancing components is shown in Figure 4-1.
Composite Input Power – Sum of all carriers, no more than -4 dBm
PA Output Power – Tenant MIB value used to measure Output of PA
RAN Output Power – PA Output Power Minus 2dB diplexer/cable loss
RUC Attn Offset – Tenant MIB value used to adjust PA output power to account for
variations in RF chain