User Manual

ADCP-75-192 • Issue 1• December 2005 • Section 1: Overview
Page 1-1
2005, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Content Page
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1-1
DIGIVANCE CXD SYSTEM OVERVIEW ...................................................... 1-1
2.1 Basic Components ............................................................. 1-2
2.2 General Description ............................................................ 1-2
2.3 Local Service Interface .......................................................... 1-3
2.4 Remote NOC Interface .......................................................... 1-4
3 SYSTEM FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES...................................................... 1-4
3.1 Fiber Optic Transport ........................................................... 1-4
3.2 Control and Monitoring Software ................................................... 1-5
3.3 Fault Detection and Alarm Reporting................................................. 1-5
3.4 Powering ................................................................... 1-5
3.5 Equipment Mounting and Configuration ............................................... 1-8
3.6 Hub Subsystem Assemblies....................................................... 1-8
3.7 RAN Subsystem Assemblies ..................................................... 1-11
3.8 Communication Interfaces....................................................... 1-14
This section provides basic description, application, and configuration information about the
Digivance CXD. Throughout this publication, all items referenced as “accessory items are
not furnished with the basic product and must be purchased separately.
The Digivance CXD is an RF signal transport system that provides long-range RF coverage in
areas where it is impractical to place a Base Transceiver Station (BTS) at the antenna site.
Digivance CXD is a multi-frequency, multi-protocol distributed antenna system, providing
microcellular SMR, Cellular and PCS coverage via a distributed RF access system. High real
estate costs and community restrictions on tower and equipment locations often make it
difficult to install the BTS at the same location as the antenna. The Digivance CXD is
designed to overcome equipment placement problems by allowing base stations to be hubbed
at a central location while placing remote antennas at optimum locations with minimal real
estate requirements. The Digivance CXD Hub is connected via high speed datalinks to Radio
Access Nodes (RAN’s) distributed over a geographical area of interest. With the Digivance
CXD, RF signals can be transported to one or more remote locations to expand coverage into
areas not receiving service or to extend coverage into difficult to reach areas such as canyons,
tunnels, or underground roadways.