
The ADC-16 provides two expansion ports for additional I/O operations using a single COM port. The Relay
Expansion Port allows up to (112) relays (or other output devices) to be controlled by software or keyboard input
(using EX-16 or EX-32 relay expansion cards). Each EX-16 expansion card will provide control for 16 additional
relays. A total of seven EX-16 expansion cards may be connected to the AR-16, ADC-4(8)(16) or STA-8(16). The first
EX-16 expansion card is connected to the relay expansion port on the AR-16, ADC-16 or STA-16 using the RC-20
ribbon cable. Additional EX-16 expansion cards connect to the preceding EX-16 with the RC-20 ribbon cable. The
relay output ports on the EX-16 are identical to those on the AR-16 and accept the same relay cards and other
accessories as the AR-16. Shunts on the EX-16 are used to select the relay output port desired. A variety of relay
cards with various contact configurations are available for connection to the EX-16 expansion cards. Relays are
controlled by transmitting a relay code (32 thru 255). Each relay is assigned 2 codes, one to energize the relay and
the other to de-energize the relay. The relay code is determined by using the following formula: RELAY CODE =
(RELAY # times 2) - 1...to energize the relay or RELAY CODE = (RELAY # times 2) - 2...to de-energize the relay.
Additional information is provided with the EX-16 relay expansion card.
The Input Expansion Port allows up to (128) additional status inputs or (32) additional analog inputs to be read by
software (using up to (4) ST-32 status expansion cards or (1) AD-16 or AD-32 analog expansion card). Each ST-32
expansion card will provide an additional 32 status inputs. The first ST-32 card connects to the input expansion port
on the ADC-16. Additional ST-32 cards connect to the preceding ST-32 card. One AD-16 or AD-32 analog expansion
card can be connected to the ADC-16 in place of the ST-32 expansion cards to provide an additional 16 or 32 analog
inputs. If more than 48 analog inputs are required, contact technical support for customized hardware. The software
channel codes for the AD-16 analog inputs are 16 to 31. The additional analog inputs are identical to those described
on pages 9, 10 & 11 for the ADC-16 and the software is handled in the same manner with the exception of the
channel codes. The status inputs are read by transmitting a single byte status port code to the ADC-16. Transmitting
a 16 would request information for the first 8 status inputs on the ST-32 status expansion card. The ADC-16 would
then transmit a single byte number (each bit representing one status input). Additional information is provided with the
ST-32 status expansion card.
For applications requiring more than 32 analog inputs/128 status inputs or applications requiring more than 112
relays, the PS-4 or PS-8 port selector may be used as a bank selector to select one bank of 32 analog inputs/128
status inputs and 112 relays. In this manner, up to 4,096 analog inputs or up to 16,384 status inputs may be
connected and 14,336 relays may be controlled (128 banks times 112 relays and 128 status inputs or 32 analog
inputs). An example of this method is shown on page 9 using four banks to provide 128 analog inputs and control of
448 relays.
The PS-12VDC-1000 and PS-12VDC-500 power supplies are unregulated and may produce voltages substantially
higher then the 12 volts DC that is labeled on the device. The 7805 regulator on the ADC-16 and any relays powered
by the higher voltage may produce an excessive (and undesirable) amount of heat which may require additional air
flow or ventilation to prevent overheating. Voltages over 14 volts DC may damage the Maxim IC on the ADC-16. The
7812 regulator (supplied with the power supply) may be used to regulate voltage to the ADC-16 and relay card(s).
Connect the 7812 regulator as shown below and on the following page:
BLACK WIRE: connect to the (-) terminal on the ADC-16 and to the (-) wire coming from the power supply.
RED WIRE: connect to the (+) terminal on the ADC-16.
YELLOW WIRE: connect to the (+) wire coming from the power supply.
USE CAUTION: The metal tab on the regulator is electrically connected to the (-) wire (black). Before connecting the
red & black wires to the ADC-16, check for 12 volts DC across the wires (red should equal (+)).
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* On some types of computers, the Data Carrier Detect must be held high (+12 volts) before the RS-232 port is
enabled. The (S) terminal on the ADC-16 will provide the +12 volts.
(Apple) (Mac & IBM) (DB-9 plug)
Pin # Connection Pin # Connection Pin # Connection
(1) DTR (1) DTR (2) Transmitter (+)
(2) Signal Ground (2) DSR, DCD & CTS (3) Equipment Ground
(3) DSR (3) Transmitted Data (4) Receiver (+)
(4) Transmitted Data (4) Signal Ground (7) Transmitter (-)
(5) Received Data (5) Received Data (8) Receiver (-)
NOTE: The above connector illustrations are viewed from the rear (solder side).
The ADC-16 may be connected directly to a modem at a remote location without the need for a PC at the remote site.
The modem at the remote site is then considered DCE equipment (Data Communications Equipment) and requires
that the serial transmitter and receiver lines be reversed (pins 2 & 3 on a DB-25 and DB-9) when connecting to the
ADC-16. When the ADC-16 is connected directly to a computer, the computer is considered to be DTE equipment
(Data Terminal Equipment) and the pin-outs shown on the preceding page are correct.
The ADC-16 may be configured for temperature input by specifying the E and/or F options when ordering the ADC-
16. The inputs are converted to temperature in groups of eight. The ADC-16 may be ordered with 8 temperature
inputs and 8 analog inputs or with all 16 channels converted for temperature input. The 8 bit inputs require that a
voltage reference and several additional components be installed on the ADC-16 card. Once the 8 bit inputs have
been converted for temperature input, the analog input port (all 8 channels) will be dedicated for use as temperature
input only. When the ADC-16 or ADC-4 is equipped with 10 or 12 bit inputs, additional components are not required
for temperature input. The 10 bit inputs are converted to temperature input by connecting the TE-8 temperature input
card to the 10 bit analog input port (removal of the TE-8 from the ADC-16 allows the inputs to be used for
conventional analog input). The temperature error of the TE-8 is typically less than 1 degree F. Greater accuracy may
be obtained with the use of the extended range temperature sensors. The temperature input ranges for 8 and 10 bit
inputs are as follows:
(8 bit inputs) temperature range -40° F to 146° F (-40° C to 64° C) standard sensors
(10 bit inputs) temperature range -40° F to 212° F (-40° C ro 100° C) standard sensors
(10 bit inputs) temperature range -67° F to 302° F (-55° C to 150° C) extended range sensors
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