User guide

Within the AdderLink POD Manager click the SystemConguration button to display
the System conguration page:
In this page you can:
Congure access details for the network port,
Manage authorized users and their access passwords,
Check and upgrade the rmware contained within the transmitter and/or any receiver
units connected to it.
Tocongureaccessdetailsforthenetwork port
1 Access the AdderLink POD Manager.
2 On the left side, click the SystemConguration button.
3 Click the Network Settings button. The following page will be displayed:
4 If required, change the setting of the Use DHCP option. When set to Enabled, the
transmitter unit will attempt to contact a local DHCP (Dynamic Host Conguration
Protocol) server in order to automatically gain all of the necessary network settings.
When enabled, no other network settings are required and the other network options
will all become non-editable and you can skip to step 6.
Note: When you use the DHCP option, the IP address for the transmitter will be set by the
DHCP server and the transmitter will move to that address. To discover the IP address it will
be necessary to view DHCP server logs or interrogate the DHCP server. It may be possible
to congure the DHCP server to use a particular address for the transmitter. If you cannot
connect to the transmitter after switching to DHCP mode, see the Troubleshooting section for
recovery details.
5 If the Use DHCP option is set to Disabled, you need ensure that the remaining network
options are appropriate for your installation. Change the System IP Address and System
Netmask options if required. If access from beyond the local network is required,
ensure that the System IP Gateway entry matches that of your local network gateway.
Note: When you change the System IP Address and click Save, the transmitter will move to
that new address and you will need to access it again at the new address. If Logon security is
enabled, you will be prompted afresh for your username and password.
6 When all settings are complete, click the Save button to apply your changes.