
Jupiter ExDrive for 2.5" SATA hard drive (JEXD)
The Jupiter ExDrive Kit comes with all the important features that are required in a portable hard drive - rugged
anodized aluminum housing, shock proof, light weight, and compact size. With the Jupiter ExDrive kit, any 2.5"
SATA hard drive instantly becomes an external hard drive that can connect to computer via USB 2.0, Firewire/iLink,
or eSATA.
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2.5" SATA hard drive mounting bracket for Saturn drive enclosure
This bracket enables any 2.5" SATA hard drive to be mounted inside the Saturn Drive enclosure. Once installed, the
2.5" hard drive is used like a regular 3.5" hard drive, taking full advantage of the capability and flexibility of the
Saturn Hard Drive kit.
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Enclosures/Trays/Brackets for multiple devices
Storage Rack with redundant or standard power supply NEW
The Addonics Storage Rack is a 4U rack mount storage chassis designed to fit onto industrial standard computer
rack. Designed to provide tremendous configuration flexibility, the Storage Rack is an ideal platform for creating a
custom storage solution with multi-terabytes capability for video storage or editing, data archiving, uninterruptible
storage, storage farm or any application that requires high performance or high storage capacity or both. Unlike
many of the expensive proprietary storage solution in the market, the Storage Rack offer similar performance and
capability at much lower cost per GB storage. In addition, the the Storage Rack can also be easily reconfigured,
modified or upgraded at any time to meet your new application need without investing into new storage devices or
new storage box.
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Storage Tower II
The Storage Tower II features two standard 5 1/4" drive bays and an integrated power supply in a compact chassis
with a stylish and functional front bezel. Similar to other Storage Towers in this family, the back panel on the ST II
can accomodate varieties of Port Mulitpliers and connectors to meet a wide range of applications. When combined
with the new 2x1 Hardware PM with eSATA and USB 2.0 connection, the Storage Tower II is an ideal external 2-
drive RAID solution that can be moved around to different computers...
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Mini Storage Tower
The Mini Storage Tower features increased portability, almost half the size and weight of it's predecessor. Comes
with 4 standard 3 1/2" drive bays for 4 Serial ATA or IDE hard drives. Build a high performance (up to 3 Gbits/sec
using SATA II) external storage system with various RAID configurations or a terabyte storage farm...mix SATA or
IDE devices and convert them to USB 2.0, eSATA, Multilane connection...
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Storage Tower
Comes with 4 standard 5 1/4" drive bays for 4 full height optical drives or 5 3.5" hard drives... build a high
performance (up to 3 Gbits/sec using SATA II) external storage system with various RAID configurations or a
terabyte storage farm...mix SATA, IDE or ATAPI devices and convert them to USB 2.0, eSATA, Firewire, or
Multilane connection...
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