
Diamond ExDrive External hard drive solution
Diamond Cipher ExDrive for SATA hard drive with eSATA or eSATA/USB External Connection NEW
The Diamond Cipher ExDrive Kit features the new generation of eSATA hard drive enclosures with the 256-bit AES
hard encryption to ensure absolute data security should the drive get stolen or lost. Designed for accommodating
any standard 3.5" SATA / SATAII hard drive, the Diamond Cipher ExDrive provides data transfer speeds
approximately three times the maximum throughput of traditional drive enclosures utilizing the standard USB or
Firewire interfaces through eSATA 3.0Gbps/1.5Gbps or USB 2.0 interface.
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Diamond ExDrive for SATA hard drive with eSATA or eSATA/USB 2.0 External Connection
The Diamond ExDrive Kit features the new generation of eSATA hard drive enclosures using native eSATA interface
for the highest performance possible today through an externally connected hard drive enclosure. Designed for
accommodating any standard 3.5" SATA or IDE hard drive, the Diamond ExDrive provides data transfer speeds
approximately three times the maximum throughput of traditional drive enclosures utilizing the standard USB or
Firewire interfaces.
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Diamond ExDrive for IDE hard drive with eSATA or eSATA/USB 2.0 External Connection
The Diamond ExDrive Kit features the new generation of eSATA hard drive enclosures using native eSATA interface
for the highest performance possible today through an externally connected hard drive enclosure. Designed for
accommodating any standard 3.5" SATA or IDE hard drive, the Diamond ExDrive provides data transfer speeds
approximately three times the maximum throughput of traditional drive enclosures utilizing the standard USB or
Firewire interfaces.
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Diamond Mobile Rack removable hard drive with IDE or SCSI connection (cold swap)
Diamond Cipher Mobile Rack for SATA hard drive with IDE or SCSI Internal Connection NEW
The Diamond Cipher Mobile Rack features the new generation of eSATA hard drive enclosures with the 256-bit AES
hard encryption to ensure absolute data security should the drive get stolen or lost. The Diamond Mobile Rack (MR)
is designed to enable any 3.5" SATAhard drive to be use as a removable hard drive via an Diamond IDE or SCSI
drive cradle installed inside the standard 5 1/4" drive bay of a computer. Connect internally to the motherboard using
IDE or SCSI interface.
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Diamond Mobile Rack for SATA hard drive with IDE or SCSI Internal Connection
The Diamond Mobile Rack (MR) is designed to enable any 3.5" SATA or IDE hard drive to be use as a removable
hard drive via an Diamond IDE or SCSI drive cradle installed inside the standard 5 1/4" drive bay of a computer.
Constructed in heavy gauge aluminum with precision finish for smooth operation, the Diamond MR is built to last
while at the same time providing excellent heat dissipation for the hard drive.
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Diamond Mobile Rack for IDE hard drive with IDE or SCSI Internal Connection
The Diamond Mobile Rack (MR) is designed to enable any 3.5" SATA or IDE hard drive to be use as a removable
hard drive via an Diamond IDE or SCSI drive cradle installed inside the standard 5 1/4" drive bay of a computer.
Constructed in heavy gauge aluminum with precision finish for smooth operation, the Diamond MR is built to last
while at the same time providing excellent heat dissipation for the hard drive.
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Diamond Drive Cartridge System hot swap removable hard drive with USB or SATA connection
Diamond Cipher Drive Cartridge System for SATA hard drive with SATA or USB Internal Connection
The Diamond Cipher Drive Cartridge System features the new generation of eSATA hard drive enclosures with the
256-bit AES hard encryption to ensure absolute data security should the drive get stolen or lost.The Diamond Cipher
Drive Cartridge System is designed to enable any 3.5" SATA hard drive to be use like a tape cartridge via the
standard 5 1/4" drive bay of any computer. You can swap hard drive in and out of your computer without rebooting,
and instead of a slow tape cartridge, you enjoy the fast performance of SATA 3Gbps or USB 2.0 internal connection.