User's Manual

RANGER 5000 User Guide
© 2017 Addvalue Innovation Pte Ltd. All rights reserved.
11.2.2 Inbox
Navigate to SMS > Inbox to view Received SMSs.
Reply to an SMS from Inbox:
i. Select the SMS you plan to reply to by selecting the particular SMSs.
ii. Click Reply.
iii. The inbox console will switch over to Compose mode. Enter your reply in the text box.
iv. Click Send to send the SMS.
Forward an SMS from the Inbox:
i. Select the SMS you plan to forward and click Forward.
ii. The inbox console will switch over to Compose mode. Enter your reply in text box.
iii. Click Send to send the SMS.
Delete an SMS from the Inbox:
i. Select the SMS you plan to delete and click Delete.
ii. A single SMS or multiple SMSs can be deleted based on the selection.
iii. Click OK to confirm the deletion, or Cancel to abort.
To Refresh the Inbox list:
i. Click Refresh and the list will be refreshed.
Figure 45