Operation Manual

Thank you for purchasing these high-quality body analysis scales.
Please read these operating instructions carefully before using the product for the first
time and keep them in a safe place where you can find them whenever you need the
information contained in the instructions.
1 How do the body analysis scales work?
With these new revolutionary scales you will receive information on your body
composition regarding weight, percentage of body fat %, body water %, muscle mass
%, bone mass kg, BMI and the Basal Metabolic Rate (energy requirement) kcal. First of
all the personal data such as gender (male or female), age and height must be stored in
the individual memory location just once. Then weighing is as easy as on any normal
scales. You only need to choose your individual memory button, step onto the scales
and in just a few seconds your current body status will be displayed. A small electrical
current is used to measure the resistance. Water, which is mainly contained in muscles,
is a good conductor, fat on the other hand blocks the current. Taking the measured
resistance and the stored data into consideration, the body analysis scales can very
precisely calculate your body composition.
2 Conditions of use
The measurements should take place without clothes, if possible, and always barefoot.
Since the body is subject to natural fluctuations (e.g. dehydration through sports or
sauna, intake of food and fluids), constant conditions should be ensured when
measuring, so as to receive comparable values.
Care should be taken that the measurements are always carried out at the same time of
day. Directly after getting up in the morning, the water has not yet spread through the
body. This means that the resistance is still relatively high, due to the bad conductivity in
the body. With increasing movements throughout the day, the water spreads through the
body, increasing conductivity, which causes the resistance, and thus the fat level too, to
be shown as lower. To determine the actual changes of body composition, it is therefore
important to measure always at same time. An easy way of doing this is by always
measuring a quarter of an hour after getting up in the morning, either before or after
using the toilet.
Despite the minimum cu rrent, persons with ca rdiac pace makers or other implants,
which emit frequencies, must not use the body ana lysis scales! Other implants, such
as a titanium plate in the knee, pose no danger. Metals, however, conduct electricity
extremely well, which has the effect that body fat values are "beautified", meaning that
the actual fat level is higher than shown by the scales. Tendencies, on the other hand,
can be determined just as well. In women, menstrual factors have an effect on the
measurement results, since hormonal fluctuations influence the body's water balance. If
the body contains all lot of water, the fat values are lower, if less water is contained, the
7 Error Messages
"Err" = Overload The 180 kg maximum load capacity has been exceeded.
Immediately remove the load from the scales; otherwise, the load cell
could be damaged.
Or: Faulty weighing / measuring process For example, if the scales
are unstable or you are not standing still on the weighing platform.
"Lo" = Batteries are empty Please replace the batteries with the appropriate
battery type (1.5 V AAA).
"ErL" = Fat percentage % too low Lower than 5% cannot be displayed.
"ErL" = Fat percentage % too high – Higher than 50% cannot be displayed.
8 Technical Data
Load capacity x graduation: Max. 180 kg x 100 g
Display resolution: Percentage of body fat: 0.1%
Display resolution: Percentage of body water: 0.1%
Display resolution: Percentage of muscle mass: 0.1%
Display resolution: Bone mass 100 g
Pers. memory locations: 10
Age: 10 - 80 years
Height: 100 - 240 cm
Dimensions: approx. 350 mm x 300 mm x 23 mm
Batteries: 4 x 1.5 V AAA (included)
Subject to technical changes
9 Warranty
ADE guarantees to rectify any material or manufacturing defects by way of repair or
replacement free of charge for a period of three years from the purchase date. At the time
of purchase, please get the retailer to fill in and stamp the guarantee card. In the case of
guarantee claims, please return the scales to your retailer including guarantee card and
stating the reasons for the claim.
CE conformity. This device is interference-suppressed in
accordance with the applicable EU Directive 2004/108/EC
Note: Extreme electromagnetic influences, e.g. when operating radio communication
equipment next to the scales, can affect the displayed value. Once the interference has
been eliminated, the product will return to normal function. A resetting of the device may
be necessary.