User manual

The playback section was designed to take advantage of the playback features in
most lighting software programs where a playback fader and some associated
buttons are used. There are two buttons, a small rotary encoder and a red/blue
bi-color LED above each fader. The function of each of these will vary depending
on the software that you are using.
A fader will typically send MIDI continuous controller messages to your software,
giving each fader a resolution of 128 steps. The fader will send a MIDI message
indicating position when it is moved. The buttons will typically send MIDI note on/off
messages when pressed.
The rotary dials above each fader send MIDI messages for increment (turn right one
step) and decrement (turn left one step). You can also press down on a rotary for an
additional button press and release message. The software you are controlling will
determine the function of the rotary dials and will generally match the context of
the current programming screen. Refer to your lighting software’s instructions. The
rotary dials will send separate MIDI note messages for each rotational step left or
right with 96 steps per revolution.
Your lighting software can control the LEDs at the top of each playback section,
usually by sending MIDI note on or note off messages. The LEDs are red/blue bi-color.
Separate note messages can be used to control the red or blue LEDs.
All of these controls can also be re-programmed to send or respond to other MIDI
messages using the Elation MIDICON-2™ mapper software.