User manual 8
The MIDICON-2™ is a general-purpose MIDI controller designed to work alongside
Elation Lighting software packages or any lighting software that accepts MIDI. The
controller is USB powered and uses the USB class drivers so that no special driver
needs to be installed on the host PC or MAC. When you connect the MIDICON-2™
controller for the first time, your PC will automatically assign the MIDI driver that is
included with your operating system. It will work with both Windowsand Apple™
operating systems. The controller uses standard MIDI messages to communicate
with your software. Tables showing the default MIDI messages and continuous
control numbers assigned to the buttons and faders are listed at the end of this
manual. You can also create your own MIDI map for the MIDICON-2™ controls using
the Elation MIDICON-2™ mapper software. Some lighting software programs will
support MIDICON-2™ as plug and play device without any need for special setup
other than selecting it as the default MIDI controller. Consult your lighting software’s
manual for more information.
MIDI is an acronym for “musical instrument digital interface”. MIDI has been in use
since the 1980’s and was intended as a means to interconnect musical instruments
such as keyboards and electronic sound producing devices. MIDI communicates
digitally between devices by sending event messages, for example a button press.
Many lighting control software programs allow MIDI messages to be used as event
triggers. The MIDICON-2™ makes use of MIDI messages to communicate with your
lighting software using MIDI over USB.
This user manual does not try to explain the technical details of how MIDI works. If
your lighting control software allows you to select the MIDICON-2™ from its setup
menu as a plug and play device no special programming of the MIDICON-2™ will
be required. The MIDICON-2™ can be customized to fit any lighting software if
needed. Some knowledge of how MIDI works would be helpful in that case. There
are many articles online that explain how MIDI works.
The MIDICON-2™ has a default MIDI map that assigns specific MIDI messages to
each control (button, fader, wheel, etc.) For software programs that support the
MIDICON-2™ as plug and play, the default MIDI map will work with your software as
soon as you select the MIDICON-2™ as your controller. For other programs, the
default map should also work. For programs that require a custom MIDI map, you
can create your own map using the Elation MIDICON-2™ mapper software. Refer to
the Custom MIDI Maps section for more details.
With the factory default MIDI map, the MIDICON-2™ sends MIDI note messages to
your software whenever buttons are pressed or when the data wheels are turned.
When a button is pressed a MIDI “note on” message is sent and when a button is
released a MIDI “note off” message is sent. This will allow you to control momentary
events. The MIDIcon 2 sends MIDI continuous controller messages when you move
the faders.
The MIDICON-2™ can also receive MIDI messages to control the LEDs and page
displays. This will allow your software to take control of the MIDICON-2™ so that it will
be in sync with your lighting software. At the end of this manual is a list of all the
default MIDI messages that are used.