
Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 What’s New
Seamless mobile testing
Perform source-level debugging on Adobe AIR enabled devices that are connected with a USB
cable. Set break points and use trace statements to test the content directly on the device. You can
also package AIR for Android apps and publish directly to the device.
Flash Builder 4.5 integration
Experience better integration between Flash Professional CS5.5 and Flash Builder 4.5. Create and
open projects in either Flash Professional or Flash Builder. When you change project settings in one
application, the other application’s settings will automatically update to match.
Still using Flash Professional CS4?
If you’re still using Flash Professional CS4, upgrading to Flash Professional CS5.5 also gives you the
chance to catch up on all the great features added in Flash Professional CS5—features that allow
you to design with ease and efficiency, explore new creative possibilities, collaborate across
workflows, and deliver for a wide audience. These features include:
• Advanced text engine. Get global bidirectional language support and a set of advanced print-
quality typography APIs via the Text Layout Framework. Format text in columns and maintain
layout and formaing with greater delity when importing content from other Adobe products.
• XML-based FLA source les. Collaborate on projects more easily with a new XML-based
implementation of the FLA le format. Uncompressed projects appear and act like folders,
allowing you to quickly manage and modify assets such as images.
• Code Snippets panel. Speed project completion by using convenient prewrien code snippets
for common actions, animation, audio and video insertion, and more. Also discover an easier way
to learn the ActionScript 3.0 language.
• ActionScript editor. Speed up the development process with a powerful ActionScript editor,
including custom class code hinting and code completion. Quickly grasp the fundamentals of
ActionScript, and eciently reference your own code or external code libraries.
• Flash Builder integration. Work more closely with developers who can use your FLA les with
Flash Builder to test, debug, and publish your content more eciently.
• Spring for Bones. Add expressive, lifelike animation properties—like spring and bounce—with
motion aributes for the Bones tool. An improved inverse kinematics engine provides more
realistic and complex physics movements, all within a simple, familiar interface.
• Video improvements. Streamline video embedding and encoding processes with on-stage video
scrubbing and a cue points property inspector. See and play back FLV components directly on
the stage.
• Deco drawing tools. Add advanced animation eects with a comprehensive set of brushes for
the Deco tool. Quickly create movement for particle phenomena like clouds or rain, and draw
stylized lines or paerns with multiple objects.
Still using Flash CS3 Professional?
If you’re still using Flash CS3 Professional, upgrading to Flash Professional CS5.5 also gives you the
chance to catch up on all the great features added in Flash CS4 Professional, including:
• Object-based animation. Gain control over individual animation aributes with object-based
animation, which applies tweens directly to objects instead of to keyframes. Easily make changes
to motion with Bezier handles.
• 3D transformation. Animate 2D objects through 3D space with exciting new 3D translation and
rotation tools, which allow you to animate along the x, y, and z axes. Apply local or global
transformations to any object.