User Manual

Table Of Contents
Advanced RF Technologies, Inc.
DL Output ALC Level: Prevents the output power from exceeding the specified value
DL Output ALC Offset: When the incoming signal level increases, the system will not adjust the attenuation
levels until the delta reaches the level specified
DL /UL Gain Balance ON: Allows the user to enable or disable the gain balance. When gain balance is enabled,
the delta value between the downlink and uplink gains remain constant
5.3.5 ICS Control
Figure 5-15 ICS Control Setting
DL/UL Adaptation Speed : Allows the user to specify the speed of the ICS engine. Setting this value too high
may impact EVM and could reduce the throughput speeds. Adaptation speeds can be adjusted based on the
selected bandwidth.
Downlink ILC Level : Allows the user to specify the interference level control. The measured isolation value +
ILC Level will provide you with the MAX gain level. When the ILC Level + User Set Gain Level is larger than the
measured isolation value, ILC will adjust the gains levels to match the measure isolation value.
Window Offset : Allows the user to shift the ICS cancellation window.
5.3.6 Alarm Setting
Figure 5-16 Alarm Threshold Setting
Downlink Signal Low: Allows the user to specify how low the signal can be before triggering a “Downlink
Signal Low” soft-fail alarm
Downlink Signal Not Detected: Allows the user to specify how low the signal can be before triggering a
“Downlink Signal Not Detected” soft-fail alarm
Downlink RF Power: Allows the user to set a maximum deviation value for the downlink RF power
- For example, if the input signal is -50 dBm and the gain is set to 60 dB, the expected output power should
be 10 dBm. If the Downlink RF Power alarm value is set to 6dB, then if the output power is below 4 dBm,
then this will trigger a soft-fail alarm
VSWR Alarm ON: Allows the user to enable/disable the VSWR alarm check