
5-46 IntelliServe
User’s Guide
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Note: Several data entities fall under common root entity types and,
therefore, share common root entity names. To expedite and simplify
the entity selection process, the Available Data Entities table lists
these unique root entity names, in place of the individual entity names,
to collectively represent the corresponding entities sharing the common
root names. Selecting a root entity name causes IntelliServe to provide
uptime data for the entities associated with that root entity type from the
selected monitoring points or locations in the selected location group.
For example, consider IntelliServe supports several pressure depth
entities (such as PDEPTH, PDEPTH_1, and PDEPTH_2) that share the
same root name (PDEPTH), but may have different identifiers (numbers
following the root name). Consequently, the entity available for
selection from the Available Data Entities table under this
configuration would be PDEPTH, but IntelliServe would provide
uptime data for PDEPTH, PDEPTH_1, and PDEPTH_2.
8. Select the interval at which to average the data for the uptime chart from the
Data Averaging drop-down list. ADS recommends using the same interval
in which the data is stored.
9. Select the period over which to display the data on the screen from the Data
Format drop-down list.
10. Select the percentage of available readings an entity must have, at a
minimum, for a day to receive a Good rating from the Uptime Percent
drop-down list. Good is the highest rating available.
11. Click on the View button to display an uptime chart for the selected entities
and date/time range.
The uptime chart displays for the selected entities and date/time range.