
6-14 IntelliServe
User’s Guide
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Exporting Data in a Text File (.CSV) Format
IntelliServe’s Export Location Data feature enables you to export data files in
a text file (.CSV) format, simplifying the process of importing data into a
spreadsheet program, such as Excel. When exporting location data in a text file
format, the system writes all location data records to a single file. This file
contains the date and time of the export and a header row containing the column
names from the database.
1. Select Locations > Export Location Data > Excel/CSV from the System
The Export Excel/CSV Wizard window displays all the configured locations.
Export Excel/CSV Wizard
2. Select the location(s) from which to export data from the Locations table.
To export data for all locations, click the Select All button.
Note: Selecting too many locations and/or an extended date/time range
may prevent you from exporting the data successfully. If an export is
not successful, reduce the number of locations and/or the date/time
range and attempt to export the data again.
3. Click on the Next button.
The Export Location Data: Select Monitoring Point Entities window displays
all entities containing data available for export from the selected location(s).