
6-16 IntelliServe
User’s Guide
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6. Complete the options on the Data Averaging window in the following way:
Select the appropriate option from the Data Averaging drop-down list.
None Selecting this option disables data averaging.
5-minute Selecting this option averages data on a 5-minue
15-minute Selecting this option averages data on a 15-minute
Hourly Selecting this option averages data on an hourly interval.
Daily Selecting this option averages data on a daily interval.
Select the Include timestamps for missing data checkbox to ensure
timestamp placeholders exist for dates/times where data is not available.
This is only available for 5-minute, 15-minute, Hourly, or Daily data
averaging. Designate one of the following options for the Missing
Data Value box:
Blank Choose this option to ensure IntelliServe leaves an empty
field at every timestamp without available data.
User Specified Choose this option to ensure IntelliServe
includes a user-defined value at every timestamp without available
data. In the corresponding field, enter the value you want
IntelliServe to insert at the empty timestamps.
7. Click on the Next button.
The Export Location Data: Date Range window displays the date range of the
data that is available for the selected entities.