
7-32 IntelliServe
User’s Guide
CONFIDENTIAL Covered by ADS Terms of Use and Confidentiality Agreement in Contract
© 2010 ADS LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Working with Documents
IntelliServe allows users to store and review uploaded documents. Documents
related to a specific location, such as site sheets, can be stored at the location
level. More generic documents with no relationship to a particular location, such
as a spreadsheet containing alarm thresholds for the entire system, can be stored
on the system level. Store up to 10MB of documents with your database.
Organize documents using folders create up to three levels of folders for
document management within public and private document areas.
Note: All IntelliServe users have access to view public documents.
Users with additional permissions can also view private documents and
upload private or public documents.
Uploading Documents
Upload a document for association with a location or upload a documents to the
system level in the following way:
1. Select Locations > [Flow Monitors, Rain Gauges, Pseudo Sites, or
Composite Locations] from the System Menu.
Note: Upload documents to the system level by choosing System
Menu > Documents > Manage Documents and then proceeding to
step 4.
2. Click on the location to which you want to upload a document.
The [location type] Current Data window displays for the selected location.
3. Click on the Documents tab.
The [location type] Documents window displays.
Flow Monitor Documents window