
Reports 8-49
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© 2010 ADS LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Past 7 Days Select this radio button to create a report template for
the previous 7 calendar days.
Past 30 Days Select this radio button to create a report template for
the previous 30 calendar days.
User Specified Select this radio button to create a report template
for a specific date/time range. Selecting this option displays the Start
and End Date/Time fields for establishing the range.
Start Date/Time Enter or click the calendar icon to designate
the date from which you want to begin reporting the data. Then,
use the drop-down lists to select the time at which you want to
begin reporting the data on that date.
End Date/Time Enter or click the calendar icon to designate
the date up to which you want to report the data. Then, use the
drop-down lists to select the time up to which you want to report
the data for that date.
Select the Fixed Period checkbox for any date ranges that you
want the date range to remain static. If Fixed Period is
unchecked (default), the corresponding date range increments
forward one day for each 24-hour period of time passed since it
was created.
5. Select the checkboxes corresponding to the locations you want to include
in the report from the Locations section. You must select at least one
location or location group to generate the report. If you select a location
group, you do not have to select the individual locations in the location
group from the Locations list.
Note: Click the Select All or Unselect All button to select or
deselect all the options from the list at one time.
6. Select the checkboxes corresponding to the location groups you want to
include in the final report from the Location Groups section. You must
select at least one location or location group to generate the report.
7. Select QFinal or QGross for the Quantity Type you want to report.
8. Specify the duration of time which must occur between excess events
(duration of time from one excess event to the occurrence of the next
excess event) before the next excess event is reported as separate event in
the Minimum Time Between Events field.