
C-2 IntelliServe
User’s Guide
CONFIDENTIAL Covered by ADS Terms of Use and Confidentiality Agreement in Contract
© 2010 ADS LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Connectivity refers to the relationship of upstream to
downstream flow in the network. Only the System
Administrator has the permission to configure
network connectivity. On the IntelliServe basin
maps, connectivity is shown by a line with
directional arrows.
A cryout occurs when a flow monitor or rain gauge
calls (unsolicited) into the IntelliServe system to
report an event that is occurring at the location.
Data Collect
A data collect refers to the process of retrieving data
readings from flow monitors and rain gauges and
storing the data in the IntelliServe database.
IntelliServe allows both on-demand and scheduled
data collects.
Data Warehouse
A data warehouse refers to the secure data-sharing
repository where IntelliServe data is stored and is
accessible to IntelliServe users.
An entity is a data type representing a measurement,
condition, or event corresponding to flow conditions,
hardware status, or other performance information
involving the flow monitoring network. IntelliServe
collects this data from the flow monitors and rain
gauges and logs and stores this information to the
database for processing, viewing, and analysis.
Escalation Chain
An escalation chain is an ordered list of escalation
groups to receive notification of an alarm generated
by a particular location or location group. Each
group in the chain receives notification of an alarm
after a user-specified time interval passes if the alarm
remains unacknowledged.
Escalation Group
An escalation group consists of a collection of
contacts to receive notification (via email, pager
URL, and/or telephone) if an alarm is not
acknowledged within a specified period of time.
Contacts are not required to be registered users.
Escalation Interval
An escalation interval refers to the number of
minutes that an alarm must remain unacknowledged
in order for the next escalation group in a chain to
receive notification.