
3-10 IntelliServe
User’s Guide
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Using the Active Alarm Log
The Active Alarm Log displays a complete list of alarms currently active in
the system, including any alarms that have not been cleared. Note that when
initially displayed, the Active Alarm Log contains alarming
(unacknowledged) and alarms acknowledged within the past 24 hours.
Using the Active Alarm Log, you can query and sort the active alarms
displayed in the log. You also can acknowledge alarms, manually clear alarms,
and view details of events associated with selected alarms.
You can retrieve specific active alarm information from the Active Alarm Log
by generating a query. You can select one or more options from the Query
Log depending on the extent (range) of the information you want to retrieve.
The results from the query are displayed in the table in the bottom half of the
Active Alarm Log window.
Query the Active Alarm Log in the following way:
1. Select Alarms & Events > Active Alarm Log from the System Menu.
The Active Alarm Log window displays all alarms that have occurred in the
previous 24 hours, including unacknowledged alarms.
Active Alarm Log window