Technical data

11-6 Registering and Updating 90362-01
If one or more patches are found, the NetBlazer displays a message
in the
Query updates
field stating how many patches have been
found. The Update Software screen becomes a two-page screen,
with the second page showing the list of updates. To see the second
screen, keep pressing the Down Arrow key to move down past the
To return to the first screen of information, press the
Up Arrow key.
Figure 11-4. The Update Software Screen with Patches
Move to one of the patches and press the
key to get information on
the patch:
Figure 11-5. Example of Patch Information
Move to the patch you want to apply and press Enter. The software
patch is saved on the NetBlazer.
Update Software NetBlazer Update V3.0
Fill in the appropriate fields and then move to "Query updates" and
press Enter to download patches from Telebit. Move to a patch name
and press Enter to apply that patch. Press ? on a patch name to see
patch description.
001 Patch 1 fixes flash filesystem bug
002 Patch 2 fixes chat and modemcap bugs
Press Enter to return to the previous screen
NetBlazer Patch 1 for Version 3.0 contains the following fix:
Fixes a bug in the Flash Filesystem where if you had a file that
was exactly 124k bytes long and then appended to it, no error
indication would be returned and the file would be silently truncated.