Technical data

90362-01 Index-9
setting crypto keys (for remote users)
setting remote user passwords 9-7
IPX (Internet Packet Exchange)
definition of L-4
IPX addressing
definition of L-4
internal network number D-2
network numbers D-1
node number D-1
port number D-2
socket number D-2
IPX LAN configuration 4-6
IPX LAN Setup screen
illustration of 4-7
setting the global address 4-7
setting the interface address 4-7
IPX network number
description of D-1
IPX routing
enabling on Protocol Details screen 7-11
setting for dial-up or dedicated
connections 7-11
IPX users
and CHAP 9-9
and PAP 9-9
configuring remote users 9-8
deleting remote users 9-8
setting crypto keys (for remote users) 9-
setting remote user passwords 9-9
AT&T 5ESS features J-3
Basic Rate S/T interface 2-9, 6-1
changing line speed J-4
field and 7-5
configuring 6-2
configuring NetBlazer for 6-2
d-channel defined L-3
default line speed J-4
default transmission speed J-4
definition of L-4
installation requirements 2-9
isdndialout Characteristics group 7-5
kbps needed for long distance J-4
Northern Telecom DMS-100 features
NT1 2-10
ordering service J-2
routing calls through older phone
equipment J-4
SPID numbers, defined J-1
switch types 6-3
telephone service provider 2-10
types of ISDN services J-1
ISDN Configuration screen
illustration of 6-2
setting the SPID/DN numbers 6-3
setting the switch type 6-3
ISDN NetBlazer
back panel illustration 2-2
front panel illustration 2-3
installation steps 2-2
LED activity 2-5
kbps, definition of L-4
Kernel patch level
Update Software screen 11-5
Kernel patches
deleting old 11-5
key summary I-1
LAN (Local Area Network)
AppleTalk configuration steps 4-8
configuring protocols for 4-3