Technical data

90362-01 Using the Setup Utility 3-3
Most screens allow you to return to the previous screen or to the Main Menu
screen when you are done working on that screen.
Each screen has a name in the upper-left-hand corner of the screen; this
guide uses those names to refer to the screens.
Online Help is included with the Setup Utility to help you determine what
information is required on each screen. See page 3-18 for more information
on Help.
Establishing a Terminal Connection
There are four methods you can use to establish a connection with the
NetBlazer for software configuration:
Direct null-modem connection
Telnet to the NetBlazer’s default IP address
AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol (ADSP) connection
Dial-in connection to remote NetBlazer
Although the Setup Utility is the easiest way to configure your NetBlazer,
you have the option of using a c
ommand-line interface if you have a complex
setup that goes beyond the capabilities of the Setup Utility. To get more
information, exit the Setup Utility and log in as
root, then type
man introduction for information on how to use the man pages. You can also
man netblazer for information on the NetBlazer commands. In addition,
printed copies of the NetBlazer Command Reference Manual and the
NetBlazer Configuration Guide can be ordered by calling 1-800-TELEBIT
(1-800-835-3248) or by calling your Telebit distributor.