User Manual

Table Of Contents
TRACER 4206 System Manual Section 5, User Interface Guide
612804206L1-1B © 2002 ADTRAN, Inc. 41
The TRACER 4106/4206 menu system can be accessed with a VT100 compatible terminal set to 9600 bits
per second, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity, connected to the RS-232 port located on the back of the
unit. Flow control on the serial interface should be configured to None for proper operation. Once a
terminal is connected, pressing <Ctrl + L> will refresh the current screen. If password access has been
enabled, the
message will be displayed at the bottom of the TRACER 4106/4206 system
status menu.
Terminal Menu Window
The TRACER 4106/4206 uses 11 (eleven) menu pages and a single main menu page to access its many
features. The main menu page (see Figure 1) provides a link to all available configuration/status pages.
Figure 1. Main Menu Screen
TRACER 4106 and 4206 menu screens are functionally identical, and vary only by
displaying either “TRACER 4106” or “TRACER 4206” on various screens. Only the
TRACER 4206 menus are illustrated in this manual for ease of explanation.
All TRACER 4106/4206 systems are shipped factory default with password protection
After connecting a VT100 terminal to the TRACER 4106/4206, press <Ctrl + L> to redraw
the current screen.