User's Manual

Typical sequence may be:
- Present the Tag and Connect the PICC Interface
- Read / Update the memory of the tag
Step 1) Connect the Tag
The ATR of the tag is 3B 8C 80 01 50 57 26 34 D9 1C 2D 94 11 F7 71 85 76
In which,
The ATQB = 50 57 26 34 D9 1C 2D 94 11 F7 71 85. It is an ISO14443-4 Type B tag.
Step 2) Send an APDU, Get Challenge.
<< 00 84 00 00 08
>> 44 70 3D A2 6C DA 43 D5 [90 00]
For ISO14443-4 Type A tags, the ATS can be obtained by using the APDU “FF CA 01 00 00”