User's Manual

7.2. How to access DESFIRE Tags (ISO14443-4)?
The DESFIRE supports ISO7816-4 APDU Wrapping and Native modes. Once the DESFire Tag is
activated, the first APDU sent to the DESFire Tag will determine the “Command Mode”. If the first
APDU is “Native Mode”, the rest of the APDUs must be in “Native Mode” format. Similarly, If the first
APDU is “ISO7816-4 APDU Wrapping Mode”, the rest of the APDUs must be in “ISO7816-4 APDU
Wrapping Mode” format.
Example 1: DESFIRE ISO7816-4 APDU Wrapping.
// To read 8 bytes random number from an ISO 14443-4 Type A PICC (DESFIRE)
APDU = {90 0A 00 00 01 00 00}
Class = 0x90; INS = 0x0A (DESFire Instruction); P1 = 0x00; P2 = 0x00
Lc = 0x01; Data In = 0x00; Le = 0x00 (Le = 0x00 for maximum length)
Answer: F2 84 A2 42 E1 3B C4 66 91 AF[$91AF]
# Status Code{91 AF} is defined in DESFIRE specification. Please refer to the DESFIRE specification
for more details.
Example 2: DESFIRE Frame Level Chaining (ISO 7816 wrapping mode)
// In this example, the application has to do the “Frame Level Chaining”.