User's Manual

The ATR = 3B 8F 80 01 80 4F 0C A0 00 00 03 06 03 F0 11 00 00 00 00 8A
In which,
F0 11 = FeliCa 212K
Step 2) Read the memory block without using Pseudo APDU.
<< 10 06 [8-byte NFC ID] 01 09 01 01 80 00
>> 0C 07 01 10 13 00 D9 09 B0 03 01 A6 90 00[$9000]
Step 2) Read the memory block using Pseudo APDU.
<< FF 00 00 00 [13] D4 40 01 10 06 [8-byte NFC ID] 01 09 01 01 80 00
In which,
[13] is the length of the Pseudo Data “D4 40 01.. 80 00
D4 40 01 is the Data Exchange Command
>> D5 41 00 0C 07 01 10 13 00 D9 09 B0 03 01 A6 90 00[$9000]
In which, D5 41 00 is the Data Exchange Response
The NFC ID can be obtained by using the APDU “FF CA 00 00 00”
#please refer to the FeliCa specification for more detailed information.
7.4. How to access NFC Forum Type 1 Tags (ISO18092)? E.g.
Jewel and Topaz Tags
Typical sequence may be:
- Present the Topaz Tag and Connect the PICC Interface
- Read / Update the memory of the tag
Step 1) Connect the Tag