User's Manual

<ACR122T> <Feasibility Study>
Version <1.00> <31/03/2009>
4.0. Chips Selection
The AC1038 (ST7SCR) will be used as the main core for the reader. The reasons are listed below:
1. The AC1038 (ST7SCR) has been used in our current readers for a long time. This chip is
considered stable and mature
2. Little change on the existing USB and Contactless Cards access portions of the ACR122U
firmware can be used.
3. The AC1038 (ST7SCR) supports USB Interface
4. The AC1038 (ST7SCR) provides sufficient I/O pins for driving the RF Interface chip
5. The AC1038 (ST7SCR) is RoHS compliant
6. ST provides a good technical support on AC1038 (ST7SCR)
7. The development tools for AC1038 (ST7SCR) are available. It can save the development charge
8. The development effort and time can be significantly shorten if the AC1038 (ST7SCR) be used
The PN532 will be used as an RF Interface chip. The reasons are listed below:
1. The PN532 supports ISO14443 Type A, B, NFC and FeliCa Protocols and Interface
2. Only two pins is required for the communication with the controller via High Speed serial
3. The chip is small in size, it can help to reduce the size of the overall product.
4. The PN532 is RoHS compliant
5. The supplier of the N532 is NXP, which is well-know company. They provided good technical
support on their product
6. Currently use in ACR122U, save the time on development