User Manual

- you can follow the write procedure acoustically and
visually on the display: the unit writes the number of
bytes as defined in the configuration (see chapter
- if the write counter on the top line stops (write
problems) you can exit the write procedure by
pressing the E / IDs key and restart from the
7.8 Reading user data from tags
To read the user data from tags press the C / READ
key. Then point the reader to the tag to read and press
the START key.
- the reader reads both the TAG ID and then its internal
- data is read from the tag in blocks of limited size.
Therefore it can happen that data is incomplete
if the reading conditions are not optimal. Please keep
on pointing to the tag as the received data will be
updated at each reading attempt.
7.9 Finding tags
When a certain tag must be found in a population of several tags, this function
enables finding the right tag.
Press the D / FIND key to activate this function.
- the unit is now in data input mode.
- now enter the TAG ID you want to find with the keys
0..9 and A..F. (must confirm with OK)
- when all 16 digits were input press the START key to
start scanning the tags.
- the display shows the TAG IDs just scanned but is
- when the correct tag is found the buzzer beeps.
- press OK to exit this function.
7.10 Setting the unit back to read TAG IDs
You can set the unit back to normal operation mode where only TAG IDs are read
by pressing the E / IDs key. If the previous function was FIND you must press the
OK key to finalize this mode.
7.11 Clearing the tag count
You can clear the tag count at any time (if the unit is ON) by pressing the F / CLR
7.12 Viewing the readings made
You can navigate through the readings just made as
- press the A / ON/OFF key until the unit is OFF.
- When the display is OFF, press the 5 key.
- the display toggles between time of reading and
code associated.
- you can navigate through the memory records with
the keys 2 (step back on the record memory) and 8
(step forward on the record memory).
7.13 Viewing the Firmware versions
You can view the firmware versions as follows:
- switch the unit OFF first.
- press the OK key.
- the current firmware versions are displayed
- The top line informs the firmware versions of the
reader module and the middle one the firmware
version of the User Interface part.
7.14 Downloading records from the reader
The HH500 has an internal non-volatile memory where all reading records are
kept. They can be downloaded to a PC for processing in 2 basic ways:
- through an SD memory card (SD card format have to be FAT16)
- through a RS232 connection to a PC running a special application.
- through a Bluetooth interface to a PC running a special application.
(see chapter Bluetooth Interface
Other options are available on demand.
Ver 2.28
R 5.00