User Manual

7.2.2 Start RFID Note
To start RFID Note
- connect the Unit to PC with USB communication cable.
(male side connect to unit and female side connect to pc)
- switch “ON” the unit
- double click on RFID Note icon (as a left picture)
- then RFID Note starting window (see lower picture) and Connection
tab window will appear.
7.2.3 Connection tab (checking Reader connection)
This is the first and most important tab in RFID Note you will see. This tab is use
for checking connection between reader and pc. It is automatically searching for
the reader when you first start RFID Note. It will show the details of reader and
ready connection comport. (please see right pictures)
To start connection
- click on Connect button then you will move to Download tab.
If the reader can not be found,
- please check USB connection and be sure the unit is switched “On”
- click on Refresh button to rescan for the connection.
Note : you can disconnect unit any time by clicking on Disconnect button
Connection tab
Connect Refresh button
Ready connection
Refresh button