User's Manual

Communication to PC
Physical layer
PR110 UHF RFID READER will be connected to the PC via USB Serial Port (FTDI chip ). USB Serial Port provides the conversion of Universal Serial
Bus (USB) to RS232 Serial Port. The configuration of the serial port will be as below:
Baud Rate: 38400
Data Bits: 8
Rarity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
Data Link Layer
The data sent to the PC is originally an array of bytes with all possible HEX values. In
order to make programming of PC as well as understanding the data easier, each HEX
value is converted to ASCII values.
For example: one byte 0xA3 is converted to its ASCII characters to ‘A’ = 0x41 and ‘3’ =
0x33. This means that if the original array had N bytes the n the PC packet has 2xN bytes
or N words as each pair of characters compose one byte of original data.