User Manual

Epoch-HP RF Repeater
User Manual V1.1
Advanced RF Technologies, Inc. Proprietary Document Page 10 of 36
2.3 RF exposure warning
Important Safety Information
In order to satisfy the FCC RF exposure requirements, you must ensure that the
installation complies with following:
For INDOOR use, an omni-directional antenna with a maximum gain of 3 dBi can be
used with this unit. Service antenna is connected to the Server port in the Epoch-HP via
a cable with typical 1~10 dB loss in accordance with the length of the cable.
Service antennas must be positioned to observe minimum separation of 50 cm (~20
inch) from all users and bystanders. For the protection of personnel working in the
vicinity of service antennas, the following guidelines for minimum distances between the
human body and the antenna must be observed.
The installation of an service antenna must be such that, under normal conditions, all
personnel cannot come within 50 cm(~20 inch) from any service antenna. Exceeding this
minimum separation will ensure that the employee or bystander does not receive RF
exposure beyond the maximum permissible exposure according to section 1.1310
(Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure)
For OUTDOOR use, an directional antenna with a typical gain of 12 dBi can be used with
this unit. Donor antenna is connected to the donor port in the Epoch-HP via a cable with
typical 1~10 dB loss in accordance with the length of the cable.
Donor antenna must be positioned to observe minimum separation of 152 cm (~ 5 ft)
from all users and bystanders. For the protection of personnel working in the vicinity of
service antennas, the following guidelines for minimum distances between the human
body and the antenna must be observed.
The installation of an donor antenna must be such that, under normal conditions, all
personnel cannot come within 152 cm(~5 ft) from donor antenna. Exceeding this
minimum separation will ensure that the employee or bystander does not receive RF
exposure beyond the maximum permissible exposure according to section 1.1310
(Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure)