User manual

ACP-2010MB User Manual 20
3.4 Cleaning the Filters
The filter functions to block dust or particles from the work environment and greatly
helps to extend the longevity of the system. It is recommended to check, clean and
replace the filters periodically. Two reusable, washable filters are located behind the
front door and in front of the system fans.
To remove and clean the filter, proceed as follows:
1. Open the front door.
2. To remove the door filter, simply push the hook to pull it out.
3. To pull out the fan filter, push the hook and slide it right wards (see Figure 3.6).
4. Clean the filter with a soft brush or wash the dust away from the filter with flow-
ing water and let it dry thoroughly.
5. Replace them inside the unit.
Figure 3.6 Cleaning the filters