User manual

ARK-6320 User Manual 42
5.2.12 USB Mass Storage Device Configuration
USB Mass Storage Reset Delay
Number of seconds POST waits for the USB mass storage device after start unit
Emulation Type
If Auto, USB devices less than 530MB will be emulated as floppy drives, and
remaining as hard drives. Force FDD option can be used to force a FDD format-
ted drive to boot as FDD (e.g., a ZIP drive).
5.2.13 Advanced PCI/PnP Settings
Select the PCI/PnP tab from the setup screen to enter the Plug and Play BIOS Setup
screen. You can display a Plug and Play BIOS Setup option by highlighting it using
the <Arrow> keys. All Plug and Play BIOS Setup options are described in this sec-
tion. The Plug and Play BIOS Setup screen is shown below.