User's Manual

7.5.24 DVS300_GetSaturation
Syn t a x
int DVS300_GetSaturation(int nDevNum , int nI nput, long * lpValue)
Pa ram et e r s
nDevNum: Specifies the device num ber(0~ 3).
nI nput: Specifies the video input m ux(-1~ 3) . This value must
be set -1 when no switching channels.
lpValue: A long pointer to get saturation value(1~ 100).
Ret urn Value
SUCCEEDED: Function succeeded.
FAI LED: Function failed.
DEVICENUMERROR: I nvalid device num ber.
PARAMERROR: I nvalid param eter.
SDKINITFAI LED: SDK not initialized.
De script ion
This function gets saturation value of a specified capture port.
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