User's Manual

Syn t a x
void (* PSTREAMREADPROC)(int nEncNum, LPVOID pStream Buf, long
lBufSize, DWORD dwCompFlags)
Pa ram et e r s
nEncNum : Specifies the encoder number.
pStreamBuf: A point to the data buffer stores an encoded video
fram e.
lBufSize: Specifies the size of the encoded video fram e.
dwCompFlags: Specifies if this encoded video fram e is I -fram e.
The AVI I F_KEYFRAME value means the frame is
I -fram e.
# define AVI I F_KEYFRAME 0x00000010L
Ret urn Value
De script ion
The pointer to the Stream Read Process callback function called after every
video fram e is encoded. User can use this function to get every encoded
video fram e.
Se e Also