User's Manual

When the instance is created, the user needs to call the coldchain_init(COM_Port) or
coldchain_gateway_init(COM_Port) method to open the corresponding Serial Port. When the
module is turned on, the system will be initialized in the background. When the initialization is
complete, the user should be able to get the firmware version through coldchain_get_version() or
coldchain_gateway_get_version(). If the version return "Unknown", try again for a while, or check
that your device is properly connected and the power is on.
3.2 Application Programming Interface(API)
AlarmMode Enum
(0) CONTINUOUS - Alarm trigger mode to continuous.
(1) CUMULATIVE - Alarm trigger mode to cumulative.
ButtonActivate Enum
(0) NOT_SUPPORT - The not support button function.
(1) SUPPORT - The support button function.
SensorState Enum
(0) CLOSE_NOT_SETTING - The Logger sensor not setting and not start.
(1) CLOSE_ALREADY_SETTING - The Logger sensor already setting and not start.
(2) START_RECORD - The Logger sensor start up.
WarningType Enum
(0) NORMAL - The temperature and humidity alarm normal status.
(1) HIGH - The temperature and humidity alarm upper status.
(2) LOW - The temperature and humidity alarm lower status.
Version Structure