
© 2012 Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc.
Printed in the U.S.A.
AE8-1368 R2
• Flashing Green: An indication that there is a
warning condition. The compressor can still be
• Flashing Red: An indication that the compressor
has tripped or is in lockout state.
• Solid Red: An indication that the control module
has failed.
6.1 De nitions
• Trip: The module has shut off the compressor due
to a fault condition. The compressor will be available
to run when the fault condition no longer exists, and
the minimum off time has been satis ed.
• Lockout: The module has shut off the compressor
due to a fault condition. The compressor will NOT
be available to run when the fault condition has
been cleared until the reset button is pushed or a
remote reset has been activated or the module has
been power cycled.
6.2 Event Priority and Troubleshooting
6.2.1 Event Priority and Anti-Short-Cycle Delay
To aid with the troubleshooting process, the event
priority table is shown in section 6.3. There is a
hierarchy of display, meaning that multiple events may
occur at the same time and the highest priority event will
be displayed on the LCD screen and on the E2 screen.
This priority is in general a function of how critical the
fault is. Lockouts have priority over trips, and trips have
priority over warnings. The lowest priority events are
those that are considered “normal” conditions.
The table includes not only the description of the event
but also the display text and the corresponding LED
behavior on the front of the control module. Without
having to activate the LCD display (by pushing the
“display” button), the LED will convey the compressor
status: lockout or trip ( ashing red), warning ( ashing
green), or normal (steady green).
After a trip occurs the compressor will run when the
condition that leads to the trip is cleared. Many of the
trip conditions have a minimum off-time associated with
them (i.e. if the condition clears itself very quickly, the
minimum off-time requirement must still be satis ed
before the compressor will run). This minimum off-time
is listed in the last column of the table in section 6.3.
Between normal run cycles and after trips the anti-
short-cycle time delay must also be satis ed. By default
this setting is 0.1 minutes (6 seconds). If the minimum
anti-short-cycle delay (ASCD) controls the start of the
compressor there will be an additional delay of 0.1
seconds x the node number (e.g. node #7 will have a
delay of 0.7 seconds). The purpose of this feature is
to prevent compressors from starting at the same time,
thereby signi cantly reducing the electrical in-rush that
the main bus will see.
6.2.2 LED Interpretation
There are two surface mount LED’s beside the RS485
communication connector on the control module. These
are useful when diagnosing communication issues
between the rack controller and the control module.
The left side LED is amber and indicates the receipt of a
communication transmission. The right side LED is red
and indicates a transmission from the control module to
rack controller.
There is a bi-color LED in the sensor module that is
green when power is available, and ashes red when
there is an alarm condition associated with a condition
that is sensed by the sensor module.
Refer to Figure 6.1 on the following page for a
description of the functionality of each module.