Parts List

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AEE Unmanned Aircraft System
s o lProfes i na Leading
5.3 Battery level of remote control
5.3.1 Low battery alarm of remote control
5.3.2 Check the battery voltage of remote control
Power detection before starting: short press the power button of the remote control, and the state on
the left shows the current power of the remote control, as shown in the following table:
Low battery
Remote control prompts“
remote control low battery ”
The battery level icon of remote control
on main screen becomes red from white
Low battery alarm of remote control Y12
Battery level of Y12 remote control
Power ≥75%
50% ≤ Power <75%
25%≤ Power50%
Status light display (blue light)
Four status lights are on
Three status lights are on
Two status lights are on
One status light is on