Product Info

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Right joystick to
right, left joystick
in situ
Fly to the right
The drone tilts to the right and
flies to the right.
Horizontal line
Tail of the aircraft
Roll angle
Roll to the right
Right joystick to
left, left joystick in
Fly to the left
The drone tilts to the left
and flies to the left.
Horizontal line
Tail of the aircraft
Roll angle
Roll to the left
The throttle lever of the remote control is the power lever to control the propeller speed, which can control the rise and fall of the
drone. The push of the throttle lever should be gentle to avoid large fluctuations. When the left joystick is centered, the altitude
and heading of the aircraft remain unchanged. The right joystick of the remote control is the direction lever, pushing left means
flying to the left, pushing right means flying to the right, pushing forward means flying forward, and pushing backward means
flying backward.
Flight mission editing
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Waypoint longitude:0.0
Waypoint latitude:0.0
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AEE Unmanned Aircraft System
Professional Leading