Operation Manual

Dustbag safety device
To avoid dam aging th e cleaner, do not use it w ith out a
dust bag. A safety device is fitted w h ich prevents th e
cover closing w ith out a dust bag in place. Do not attem pt
to force cover sh ut.
Cleaning th e filters
Never use th e cleaner w ith out th e filters in place.
Th e filters sh ould be ch anged/cleaned approxim ately
every fifth dustbag.
Cleaning th e m otor protection filter
1 Open th e cleaner cover.
2 Rem ove th e filter unit.
3 Rinse th e filter under w arm tap w ater only and dry
th e filter com pletely. Th e original filtering
perform ance is now restored.
2,1 Replace th e unit back into th e cleaner and close
cover ensuring it is securely in place and th e cover is
properly closed.
Latest every second year replace th e old filter w ith a
new one.
Cleaning th e exh aust filter
1 Open th e exh aust filter grill.
2 Tak e th e filter w ith grill.
3 Tak e th e filter out of th e grill.
4 Rinse th e filter under tap w ater and dry it com pletely.
3 Put th e filter back into th e grill.
2 Put th e filter grill back into th e cleaner.
1 Close th e exh aust filter cover.
Recom m ended filters:
M otor filter: AEG GR5
Exh aust filter: AEG GR5
Troublesh ooting
Dustbag: please ch eck th at th e dustbag is placed
correctly and ensure th at it is not jam m ed.
Pow er: if th e electric pow er does not com e on,
disconnect from m ains and ch eck plugs, cable and
fuses w h ere appropriate.
Th e cleaner m ay sw itch itself off in event of severe
block age or excessively dirty filters. In such cases,
disconnect from m ains and allow to cool for 20- 30
m inutes. Clear block age and/or replace filter(s) and
Th e clearing of block ed h oses is not covered by th e
guarantee. To avoid block ages and m aintain suction
efficiency, th e floor nozzles sh ould be cleaned
regularly using th e h ose h andle.
W ater: if w ater is suck ed into th e cleaner th e m otor
m ust be ch anged at a service centre. Th is is not
covered by th e guarantee.
Custom er inform ation
Sh ould you req uire service or consum able spares for your
Electrolux cleaner, please consult th e service providers
listing enclosed w ith th is cleaner, for your nearest
Electrolux auth orised service provider or contact th e
custom er service h elpline.
Please specify m odel type w h en ordering spares.
Please see additional inform ation in th e separate AEG-
Electrolux W arranty Book let.
Features of th e vacuum cleaner and accessories are
protected abroad by registered patents of Registered
Th is appliance conform s w ith th e follow ing EC
Low Voltage Directive 2006/9 5/EC
EM C Directive 89 /336/EEC w ith am endm ents
9 2/31/EEC and 9 3/68/EEC
Th e Electrolux group m ay introduce m odifications to
th eir product from tim e to tim e, and, conseq uently, th e
details given in th is book let are subject to alteration
w ith out notice.
Th e sym bol on th e product or on its pack aging
indicates th at th is product m ay not be treated as
h ouseh old w aste. Instead it sh all be h anded over to th e
applicable collection point for th e recycling of electrical
and electronic eq uipm ent. By ensuring th is product is
disposed of correctly, you w ill h elp prevent potential
negative conseq uences for th e environm ent and h um an
h ealth , w h ich could oth erw ise be caused by inappropriate
w aste h andling of th is product. For m ore detailed
inform ation about recycling of th is product, please contact
your local city office, your h ouseh old w aste disposal
service or th e sh op w h ere you purch ased th e product.