User manual

20 Microwave operation
1. After cooking the oven will automatically cool and the display may show “NOW
2. To change the convection temperature, press the CONVECTION button until the
desired temperature appears on the display.
3. You may detect smoke or a burning smell when using convection for the first time.
This is normal and is not a sign that the oven is out of order. (Please see Heating
Without Food on pages 17 - 18).
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: TThhee oovveenn ccaavviittyy,, ddoooorr,, oouutteerr ccaabbiinneett,, ttuurrnnttaabbllee,, rraacckkss aanndd ddiisshheess wwiillll
bbeeccoommee vveerryy hhoott,, aallwwaayyss uussee tthhiicckk oovveenn gglloovveess wwhheenn rreemmoovviinngg tthhee ffoooodd oorr ttuurrnnttaabbllee
ffrroomm tthhee oovveenn ttoo pprreevveenntt bbuurrnnss..
Dual cooking
Your oven has 2 DUAL cooking modes combining 1) Convection & microwave, 2) Grill
with microwave.
To select the DUAL cooking mode rotate the COOKING MODE dial to the desired
setting, then choose the cooking time. Generally, dual cooking time shortens the total
cooking time.
NNOOTTEESS:: TThhee ppoowweerr sseettttiinnggss aarree vvaarriiaabbllee::
DUAL 1 : The oven temperature can be changed from 40 °C to 250 °C in ten
levels. Microwave power levels can be changed from 90 W - 630 W in
four levels.
DUAL 2 : Microwave power levels can be changed from 90 W - 900 W in five
EExxaammppllee 11::
To cook for 20 minutes on DUAL 1 using 90 W microwave power and
200 °C convection.
1. Select the cooking mode by rotating the cooking mode dial to .
2. Enter the desired cooking time (20 minutes).
3. Press the microwave POWER LEVEL button twice (90 W).
Cooking mode Cooking method Initial microwave power
Dual 1 Convection 250 °C 270 W
Dual 2 Grill 270 W